Build Your Ideal Organization.

Transform your culture with design theory and people strategy to jumpstart your vision for the future.


Taking Charge of Change

Leading through Change, Transition & Ambiguity

Until we can predict the future, we all must rely on an increased change agility to handle the surprises we’re thrown each day. Whether preparing for an upcoming transition, or reflecting on change scenarios we’re currently navigating, this session helps to delineate between the concepts of change and transition, showcasing key frameworks and tools that help individuals identify their own responses to change, and support one another to successfully navigate times of ambiguity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate between the topics of CHANGE and TRANSITION, exploring “the people side” of change
  • Identify key actions to successfully navigate each phase of transition
  • Develop an action + implementation plan, fit with details of specific steps to support others during times of ambiguity

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Change Agility + Adaptability
  • Increased Empathy + Awareness
  • Team-Focused Strategy + Mindset

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore key components of design theory and design thinking practices through hands-on, interactive experiments
  • Define the CURRENT STATE and FUTURE STATE of the team’s collective goals and objectives
  • Experiment with ideation and prototyping to hone-in on your team’s ideal future state
  • Leverage positive psychology to create future-focused, behavior-based outcomes

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Creativity + Innovative Thinking
  • Collaboration + Trust
  • Team-Focused Mindset

Design Thinking

Moving From Idea to Action

How often do we approach projects the same way because “that’s just the way we do things around here?” When it comes time to implement, have you ever discovered that a key decision maker was excluded from the process? Even when a project seems to be moving forward, have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “What problem are we trying to solve in the first place?” In this session, we’ll explore the theories behind Design Thinking, and clarify the way we brainstorm, decide, and execute our plans and ideas.

Talent Catalyst: Strategic Talent Development

Strategic Succession Planning & Talent Development

As leaders, one of the most important roles we play is our ability to develop the people we work with to reach their fullest potential. In addition to our coaching and engagement conversations, we must also devote time to strategically plan the future state of our already talented team. In this session, we dive into the three phases of strategic talent planning to determine how we enhance the skill sets of our people and co-create their career development plans.

Learning Objectives:

  • Strategize the current state of your team, assessing and identifying current levels of performance and potential
  • Experiment with talent development tools to more accurately articulate your development strategy to grow and engage with your top talent
  • Develop an action + implementation plan, fit with details of specific steps to support others during times of ambiguity

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Talent Strategy + Development
  • Empowering + Developing Others
  • Executing Team Vision + Development Goals

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the concept of culture, including the visible and invisible components that exist within each participant’s team and organization
  • Identify and discover how and where invisible cultural norms exist and manifest into employee behaviors and values
  • Develop an action + implementation plan, fit with details of specific steps to support others during times of ambiguity

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Team + Organizational Culture
  • Leading with Values
  • Building Trust + Collaboration

Culture Champions

Building Your Ideal Team & Organization

You’ve heard it before: “We have a great culture!” But what does that mean anyway? If a culture is determined within a team, how can we define, shape and change it? As leaders look to make structural and strategic organizational changes, implement new practices, or even recruit and retain top talent, understanding and defining an organization’s culture is critical for continued success. This session will provide the tools to clarify how to form your team’s ideal culture, and determine the key culture indicators in other teams to discover the best ways to partner and collaborate.

JUMPSTART Negotiation

Effective Strategies for Persuasive Conversations

The hard-hitting boardroom negotiations we see in movies are often a work of fiction. In today’s working world, the most successful negotiators leverage high interpersonal and emotional intelligence with the cutting-edge theory to jumpstart the dialogue in a positive way. In this workshop, participants will discover several integrative bargaining approaches for enhanced confidence when striving to reach agreements with internal and external stakeholders.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the theories and trends associated with highly effective negotiation
  • Select the methodologies that best align with our personal leadership and communication style
  • Experiment with effective negotiation strategies via hands-on, interactive exercises
  • Develop an action + implementation plan, fit with details of specific steps to support others during times of ambiguity

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Persuasion + Influence
  • Storytelling + Communication
  • Increasing Assertiveness + Confidence

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover the six principles of influence, and connect concepts to upcoming messages with internal and external stakeholders
  • Enhance storytelling elements, and enrich presentations with strategic persuasion methodologies to lead others to act
  • Develop an action + implementation plan for positive, long-term behavior change

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Persuasion + Influence
  • Storytelling + Communication
  • Increasing Assertiveness + Confidence

Commanding The Room

Polishing Your Persuasive Messages

As leaders, whether we are communicating with our teams, our clients, the organization or the industry, our messages have the power to influence others to take action! At the end of the day, it’s up to the storyteller to find the elements most impactful for an audience. In this session, participants experiment first hand with the concept of the principles of influence to ensure even more polished, clear, and influential communication.