Your Team Can Save The Day.

Every team has the power to tap into the expertise, talents, and passions of the group to achieve a truly impactful result.


Building The Dream Team

Adjusting Styles To Enhance Relationships & Build Trust

In this workshop, participants will discover the elements of their working style and communication preferences within four key dimensions: how we like to communicate, how we take in and process information, how we make decisions, and how we organize our lives. Through group learning, individual reflection, and group discussion, participants will walk away from this workshop with an increased confidence in their ability to articulate their needs to others, and heightened ability to adjust their styles to meet the preferences of others. This session takes a humorous and informative look at how we operate, providing us with the tools to adjust our styles to work effectively with anyone.

Learning Objectives:

  • Clarify leadership and communication preferences, and develop a “user’s manual” to articulate our findings
  • Discover the attributes, behaviors and common blind-spots of natural preferences, and explore and understand the same attributes and behaviors of opposing types
  • Highlight specific actions we can take when working with someone who leverages opposing preferences, and develop a plan to adjust our styles with at least one current colleague

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Effective Communication
  • Collaboration + Trust
  • Openness + Awareness

Learning Objectives:

  • Experiment with interactive exercises to enhance active listening, setting others up for success, challenging the status-quo, and confidently stepping outside of our comfort zones
  • Embrace the concept of “YES, AND” to build upon the ideas of others in an effort to strengthen interpersonal, team, and organizational relationships
  • Develop an action + implementation plan for positive, long-term behavior change

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Collaboration + Trust
  • Effective Communication
  • Openness to Change + Innovation

IMPROVing Team Collaboration

Embracing “YES, AND” to Foster Leadership & Build Trust

Understanding the fundamentals of improvisation enhances core communication in personal and professional settings. Improvisation requires participants to think on their feet, be in the moment, and use enhanced active listening skills, all of which play a role in our success in the work we do on a daily basis. In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of how to fully embrace “YES, AND” and other core principles from improv for increased collaboration, trust, and enhanced team dynamics.

We Can Work It Out

An Experiment with Conflict & Consensus Building

While frequent conflict can certainly be taxing or uncomfortable, disagreements can often lead to enhanced respect, open-mindedness, and innovation. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to understand various reactions to conflict, and discover which response is most appropriate for a given situation. Participants leave this session with a deeper understanding of their natural communication style during times of conflict, and a refreshed outlook on how to approach these conversations in the future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine personal approach to conflict conversations, and discover the five differing conflict styles
  • Identify benefits and potential obstacles for each style to clarify effective conflict communication strategies
  • Develop an action + implementation plan for positive, long-term behavior change

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Effective Communication
  • Adaptability + Assertiveness
  • Building Consensus + Alignment

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the CURRENT STATE and FUTURE STATE of the team’s collective goals and objectives
  • Experiment with design thinking methodology to begin ideation of creative, implementable action plans to fully realize your team’s ideal future state
  • Leverage positive psychology to create future-focused, behavior-based outcomes

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Strategic Thinking + Goal Setting
  • Creativity + Innovation
  • Positive Psychology & Growth Mindset

Mission Possible: Strategic Design Sprint

Designing the Future State of our Team & Organization

As a team, determining key long-term goals and objectives of our vision for the future is the crucial first step to more accurately inform the look and feel of our day-to-day responsibilities. Through this workshop, participants will leverage the foundational principles of positive psychology and design thinking methodology to determine the team’s goals and objectives for an ideal future state, and begin to develop the roadmap to make that vision a reality.

Survival Simulation

An Experiment with Team Effectiveness & Decision Making

During this interactive and experience-based simulation, the playing fields are evened and participants are tasked with a specific objective to ensure survival. Leveraging their decisions, teams are able to measure their individual and group effectiveness, and walk away with a deeper understanding of the four stages of team development, and experiment with tools to enhance their approaches to decision making on their own and as a team.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify current decision making practices, both on an individual and team level
  • Discover The Four Phases of Team Development, overlaying the model to spark dialogue on the current state of team dynamics
  • Measure individual and team-based decision making success, and develop an action and implementation plan of new leadership competencies

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Data-Based Decision Making
  • Consensus Building
  • Effective Communication

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine our key strengths and clarify our core values to enhance the way we lead ourselves, our work, and the way we interact with our peers
  • Review and reflect on strengths-based data, determined via a complication of stories collected from personal and professional connections
  • Design a strategy to replicate workplace responsibilities to closely align to our strengths and core values

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Leading with Strengths + Values
  • Projecting Confidence
  • Strategic Thinking + Goal Setting

Strength Based Leadership

Discovering + Replicating Ourselves at Our Best

The philosophies behind positive psychology and strengths-based leadership encourage us to begin at where we are our best. The data is clear: measurement of employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and even revenue are stronger on teams who have determined and lean into their strengths. In this workshop, we take a deeper look to clarify our strengths and ensure we can replicate these experiences again in the future. Participants will leave this experience with anecdotes that define who they are, an action plan to repeat these behaviors and lead with these values, and an enhanced engagement and desire to provide similar positive feedback to those they lead.

Taking Charge of Change

Navigating Ambiguity During Change + Transition

Until we can predict the future, we all must rely on an increased change agility to handle the surprises we’re thrown each day. Whether preparing for an upcoming transition, or reflecting on change scenarios we’re currently navigating, this session helps to delineate between the concepts of change and transition, showcasing key frameworks and tools that help individuals identify their own responses to change, and support one another to successfully navigate times of ambiguity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Differentiate between the topics of CHANGE and TRANSITION, exploring “the people side” of change
  • Identify key actions to successfully navigate each phase of transition
  • Develop an action + implementation plan, fit with details of specific steps to support others during times of ambiguity

Key Themes & Leadership Behaviors:

  • Change Agility + Adaptability
  • Increased Empathy + Awareness
  • Team-Focused Strategy + Mindset